God is good. He is! I've said it before, but He has blessed me with so many great things in my life. One of the most wonderful blessings in our lives this past year is the Vista Community! For a very long time, Matt & I had been hoping to find a church where we could be free to be our true imperfect selves, be loved, worship, minister, and most of all, a church where we could teach our daughter about God's love. The Vista has been all of that to us and so much more. I leave the service each Sunday with my spirit refreshed and my faith renewed. There are so many awesome things about the Vista, and our kids program definitely is at the top of that list. I took these images for the church to use, and as I was taking them, I was blown away at what a great time worshiping these kids were having! (Wish my church had this when I was a kid!)
Come visit us anytime, we'd love to have you!
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She's concentrating sooo hard on that prayer... could there be anything sweeter?

Pie in the face time! So. Much. Fun!

Hey Amy! These pictures turned out so cute!! Can't wait to see more. -Trish :)
There is nothing more beautiful than seeing children basking in the fullness of Christ. These pics are very special!
My two favorites are the two little girls praying. One is concentrating so hard with her sippy cup and gold fish and then the other little girl looks so angelic with her little hands folded for prayer time!
The pictures turned out soooooo awesome! Thank you so much Amy for taking the time to take them. I can't tell you what a blessing it is!
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