Tons of locations you see? Yep. Tons. Some that aren't even featured here! This was a great shoot. I had so much fun, and got to use bunches of my new ideas with these two. I think I say this about all my clients, but January and Kyle were awesome. This was seriously a marathon session, and did I hear any complaints? No. Even when it was 112 out and we were hiking like a mile back into Chalk Ridge, no complaints. Kyle carried my ladder and we all sweated and laughed and as a result I have so many favorites from this session that I couldn't even post them all here without it seeming like ridiculous excess. I guess if I had to pick, I'd say 1 & 2 are my faves, but I also love this last one w/ their dog, Luther. Something about that shot, their feet in bokeh, him in focus... looking all... you know...dogish. I like it. Thanks January & Kyle for everything. (Especially the mozzarella sticks!)
I love this set! You do need to post more on TPF! these are great!
These images are GREAT! Some of my favorite so far! Hope to meet you in a few weeks and get to hangout! Let me know!
Thanks for everything Amy, these turned out great! Luther Floyd passed along his approval as well!
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