Danielle + Jason's pics are FINALLY posted, this took me fooooorreeevverr... Sorrry, Dan! Danielle is my sweet sister-in-law and hopefully one day Jason will be my brother-in-law! Hint, hint, Jason! :) So this really wasn't an engagement session, more like a 'we're just in luuuuuvvv' session! ha! Anyway, I don't have to tell ya that I had a great time with these two, I always have a great time when Danielle is around! Oh, and I got more Sonic out of the deal, this time a nice Diet Coke. I'm gonna have to include a Sonic pit stop in my session fee...
(Love you guys, and I can't wait until next week! Tubin' baby! <-say it like Joey and it's funnier...)
so... i'm going to the gym tomorrow. but i love the pictures. i can't wait to see the rest! xoxo
no way. you're totally not fat. but i'm glad you like 'em...
They spray painted hearts couldn't have been more perfect. How cool!
I love the pictures! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity. I'm always looking forward to viewing the pictures because they just keep getting better and more creative. Wonder what you will come up with next......
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