This is Justin. He's a senior from Cameron, and is big into 4H shooting stuff. (I am not pretending to know the technical terms...) I wanted to find some where a little rustic for his session, and I have a semi-relative (long story) who has a place out in Zabcikville (outside of Temple) so Justin & his mom, Lisa, met me and we headed over to the property together. I had never used this location before, but it has the coolest 180+ year old house on it and a broke-down shed and barn... so perfect... I have to say- Lisa and Justin get the Coolest Clients Ever Award!! To say we did not have ideal picture taking conditions would be an understatement. There was no sun, it was so, so windy, super cold, and the ground was basically just mud, but they never complained. They traipsed around this old crappy place with me and did pretty much whatever I asked. Lisa was a blessing. She could be counted on for a smile and laugh at any time! Justin has one of those super likeable personalities, and he obviously makes a great subject.
1 comment:
Thanks Amy!
You picked a great place and made the shoot fun. We will highly recommend you to our friends and family.
Lisa B -
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